Best Practices

“That was a terrific conference,” Pauline happily reported. “I met a bunch of interesting people and came away with a ton of best practices.”

“Tell me more,” I replied.

“I created this chart from the conference,” she continued. “One side is the problem we see, in the other column is the best practice solution. Neat.”

“Great. So, now you have a solution for all the problems that you see over and over, again and again. Neat.”

Pauline stared at me, no longer happy.

Do What Is Expected

Gillian had a smile on her face. “I think I finally have the right team. Everything is working smoothly. And every team member has the competence to do what it is expected. What more could I want?”

“Dangerous to ask me an open-ended question,” I replied. “Do you feel prepared? Do they have the skills? Not to do what is expected, but to grapple with the unexpected?”

Increasing Customer Service

Regina was proud, “We just got an increase to my annual budget for my customer service team.”

“Oh, really?” I replied.

“Yes. Two years ago, we had a small team and our customer service scores were 1-2 on a 5 point scale. Not good.”

“Okay,” I agreed.

“I spent a lot of time working on how we respond to the various glitches in our product and warranty claims. Turns out, there were five problems we had to deal with most often, so we trained hard on those.”

“And?” I nodded.

“And, our scores improved. I got the green light to hire ten percent more to the team. Last year, we actually won a customer service award, averaging 4.8 on our scores.” Regina was bursting with pride. “And, this year, I got the go-ahead to really ramp up the head count on my team.”

“Regina, did you ever have a conversation with your operations team to talk about the five things that created so much customer service traffic?”

Screwed Up Again

“They screwed it up again,” Charmagne protested. “Luckily, I managed the risk, so it wasn’t a devastating mistake.”

“Perfect,” I said.

“What do you mean, perfect? You mean perfectly wrong?” she stated flatly.

“I find competent people always in learning mode,” I responded. “To build the competence of the team, you have to keep them in learning mode. Do people learn more by accidentally getting it right? Or inevitably making a mistake? As the manager, this is your perfect opportunity to get your team in learning mode.”

A Position of Power

“Where do you think your power comes from, as a manager?” I asked.

Angelina thought. “Part of it comes from my position. I get respect from my team, because they know I am their boss. That what I say, is the way things go.”

I nodded, and watched.

She continued, “But, frankly, that’s not the way it happens. Just because I am the boss, sometimes doesn’t mean anything at all. I feel like my mother saying – Because I said so.”

“Why do you think you were promoted to manager? So you could have power over your team?” I pressed.

After a moment, she replied. “I don’t feel like I have that power.”

“But, you do have power. For an incompetent person, that power comes from the outside. That power comes from position. For a competent person, that power comes from the inside. It is an internal discipline that everyone sees.”

Just a Parade

“Why do they constantly make the wrong decision?” Deidra asked. “We have problems where the solution is counterintuitive. If the team follows the popular trend, they come up with a response that creates more damage than the original problem.”

“Why do you think that is?” I wanted to know.

“I don’t know. Instead of thinking through the problem, they wait and follow behind whoever has status in the group. And, of course, once that person has made a move, contributed the first idea, no one else is willing to question or challenge. Or add alternative solutions, or judge one idea more effective than another. After a while, that popular team member becomes a person of influence. One or two problems down the road and the team becomes incapable of wrestling with the root cause. And, I become the street sweeper in the elephant parade.”

“And?” I glanced sideways.

“And, what?” Deidra was frustrated. “You are looking at me like I’m the problem.”

“I just wanted to know what else?” I smiled. “Who taught them to follow someone else’s lead, instead of thinking for themselves? Who taught them to bring the problem to the street sweeper?”

Shoelaces Untied

“It’s time for my monthly coaching session,” Manuel explained. “I have some things I need to point out to some of my team.”

“Yes,” I agreed. “Negative feedback is necessary. If my shoes are untied, I need to know so I don’t fall on my face. But tying my shoes do not make me a high performer.”

Manuel looked down at his shoes, to make sure he was not the focus.  I continued, “What kind of feedback do you need?”

“Not a lot,” he said. “I have a pretty good idea when I perform well and when I fail.”

“Most competent people do,” I nodded. “You have a good sense when you are in struggle and when you are in flow. You have internal feedback sensitivities. When you are in flow, your body generates endorphins. When you struggle, your stomach doesn’t feel right.”

Manuel smiled. “That’s me. What about my team?”

“Reality always wins,” I replied. “You biggest job is to get in touch with it.** You are about to enter a coaching session with one of your team members. Giving advice, negative feedback, corrective action may get some shoelaces tied, but your biggest impact is getting your team member in touch with their reality. And, your description doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is their perception, their perception of circumstances, their perception of intention, their perception of performance and their perception of outcome. You only have a marginal impact with advice. You have a larger impact with questions. The best managers are not those who tell people what to do, but those who ask the best questions.”

**Shades of Pat Murray

A New Year, A Resolution

“I have my New Year’s resolutions,” Romo announced.

“Let me see,” I replied, taking the extended piece of paper.

“I limited the list to three,” he said. “Last year, I wrote down six and gave up on all of them within a month. Maybe I can focus a bit harder.”

“First, I commend you for writing these down,” I nodded. “Writing requires thinking. Why do you think last year’s resolutions were abandoned so quickly?”

“I don’t know. When I came up with them, they seemed easy enough to do, but, then life happened and the wheels came off.”

“The problem with resolutions is they seem to be something to do,” I replied.  “The way you write them, the way you speak them uses an old voice. If those resolutions were already within the person who wrote them, they would have been accomplished long ago. The change is not with something you do. The change is with who you are. Only a new person can accomplish the things on this list. It is a new year, who is the new you?”

To All, A Good Night

Originally published Dec 2005.

As Matthew looked across the manufacturing floor, the machines stood silent, the shipping dock was clear. Outside, the service vans were neatly parked in a row. Though he was the solitary figure, Matthew shouted across the empty space.

“Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night.”

He reached for the switch and the lights went dark. He slid out the door and locked it behind.

We hope you all have a wonderful holiday. Management Blog will return on Monday, January 6, 2025.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. -Tom Foster

Can’t or Won’t

“My team seems to think there are some problems they face that will never be fixed,” Kari explained. “It’s always, here we go again. Same problem, different customer.”

“Do you think they can’t fix the problem or won’t fix the problem?” I asked.

Can’t fix or won’t fix, what’s the difference? The problem still ends up on my desk, again,” Kari flatly stated.

“Often, people prefer a problem they can’t fix to a solution they don’t like.” **

Kari thought for a moment. “You’re right. To fix the problem, they have to stop production and figure out what’s going wrong. Instead, they would rather flare a few tempers and call for help.”

“This is where you have to decide if this is a matter of can’t or won’t. Often, someone who won’t solve a problem, or even try to solve the problem, feels like they don’t have the capability to solve the problem. They feel incompetent and give up. Your job, as a manager is not to solve a solveable problem, but to build the competence of the team to solve the problem.”

**Shades of Lee Thayer, Competent Organization