Daily Grind and the Grand Scheme

“They just don’t seem very motivated,” Rafael explained. “I try to give them a pep talk every once in a while, it seems to energize them for a day or so, but then it goes back to the same old grind. I mean, yes, the things we do are repeated day in and day out, so I can see it gets a bit boring. It contributes to turnover on the team. It even gets ME a little down at times.”

“Yes, the grind even infects upper management,” I replied. “Why do you think that is?”

“I told you, it’s the repetitive nature of what we do. Some days are busier than others, but at the end of the day, we just look forward to coming back the next day to do it over again.”

“You produce these products, day in and day out. What do these products do for your customers?” I knew the answer already, but Rafael had not made the connection.

“We manufacture safety products for the construction industry,” he said. “Perimeter flags, traffic cones, safety vests, hard hats. Not very glamorous stuff.”

“And, so you see your work as just an endless stream of orders that come in every day? One after another, day after day? One day like the day before?” I asked.

Rafael nodded. “Pretty much.”

“What if you shifted the way your team sees the work from an endless chain of events, to see the purpose for the products you crank out? When was the last time you took your crew out to a construction site to see the way your equipment is used? Or invited a safety manager from one of your customers to talk to your team about how important your products are and how much they rely on the quality of each piece?”

“Never,” Rafael sat back. “That sounds crazy. We can’t bus a manufacturing team to a construction site,” he explained.

“Really?” I nodded. “Most work is boring and monotonous if all we think about are the events of the day. The only way to truly understand the work is to understand its purpose, how it fits into the grand scheme. Nothing changes about the mechanical assembly of what you do. The only thing that changes is the way you see your impact on the world around you.”


“I know you want me to press my team, stress test my system,” Naomi agreed, “but what if they are simply not capable in that pressure?”

“When things are calm, wouldn’t now be a good time to find out?” I replied. “Identify the breaking point now, instead of after it is broken.”

Naomi looked reflective. “I can do that. I can run drills, like a sports team in practice. And, I know I am looking for the breaking point, but what about the wobbly point?”

“Capability is much like performance. The best indicator of performance is performance. The best indicator of capability is capability. And, the problems that must be solved, the decisions that must be made have to be within the capability of the team member. When you assign a decision to someone who does not possess the capability for the decision, what happens?”

“That’s easy. First they avoid the decision, deflect the decision, or find a scapegoat for when it inevitably fails,” Naomi said, without hesitation.

“There’s your wobble, that’s what you have to pay attention to.”

Beyond Limits

“So, you identified a situation that would stress-test your system. Your system is optimized at a certain volume with a standard lead time. Your team has the necessary skills, rhythm and practice to meet the expectations of sales. But, sometimes your system is stressed by the insertion of a large order, additional volume, at an expedited pace, tight timeframe. Your sales department has a sudden interest in this new customer, has overpromised and received your thumbs up, because even you don’t want to disappoint. Your apple cart is about to be turned over. You think if you work harder, dictate some unauthorized overtime, press your team to their limits of exhaustion, that you will be successful.”

Naomi quietly listened, picturing this chain of events. She had seen this before. The pictures in her mind created a simultaneous, imagined tension. Unfortunately, it was a familiar feeling. It was pressure, an undercurrent that occasionally erupted in short tempers, discourteous exchanges in her team, a contemptuous roll of the eyes.

“When all is within limits, things under control, your system within limits, tempers jovial, what could you do with your team, not to operate harder and longer, but differently and more effectively? How could prepare the team to add the occasional variable that leaves the apple cart firmly on its wheels? What can you do today that others won’t, so that tomorrow you can do things that others can’t?”

Stress Test

“Competency has to do with mental fitness,” I pressed. “What could happen that would put your perfect workflow into utter disarray?”

Naomi stopped to think. Instinctively, she knew this was a legitimate question. “Our market could double?” she floated.

I nodded. “Yes, but markets don’t double that fast, at least organically. Your volume might double if you had a competitor go out of business, but competitors don’t go out of business that fast either. And, don’t think I am expecting something far fetched with a low probability to reality. What could happen that would put your workflow in disarray?”

“Okay, I think I have one,” she finally responded. “We could get one large order from a customer that we have to expedite. Maybe a customer we have been courting for a while, and we finally get a chance, but it’s large with a short time frame. That could stress test our perfect workflow.”

“So, your team is currently competent at routine efficiency within normal parameters. But, if we get one disruptive order inserted into the workflow, with a tight timeframe, things might get wonky?”

Naomi’s turn to nod. “Yes. It wouldn’t be the end of the world, but it might take as long as two weeks to stabilize the line back to normal turnaround. And, we would appear to be incompetent to everyone, especially the sales department.”

“And, I am not trying to be critical. It is normal to reach a level of competence, only to be challenged with increased volume and tighter deadlines. Competence requires continuous improvement. What scenarios could you see that would stress test your system, stress test your team, that you could prepare for?” Exploring new ways to unwind, such as agen judi bola for entertainment, can also help maintain balance amid challenges.

Utter Disarray

“But, don’t we ever get to a point where we are finally, once and for all competent?” Naomi turned her head and looked at me sideways.

“Just so, so, but then it changes,” I replied.

“I mean, we have been working on this new workflow for about a year,” she proudly proclaimed. “We shifted things around until we had the right sequence. There is zero idle time between work steps. Our expected output is right in line with our goals. I believe the team, myself included, is now competent in this new workflow. It took us a while to get here, but I think we made the grade.”

“Competence is not judged by looking at the past,” I said. “We think we understand the world that way, but we don’t live in the past, we live in the NOW. And, we live in anticipation of the future. We may have been competent yesterday, but today is a new day, with new challenges, problems and decisions. You believe your team, including yourself, is now competent in your new workflow. Until when? What could change that puts your fine tuned workflow into utter disarray?”

Yoda Says

“I think I could give it a try,” Naomi nodded. “I think I could get my team together, go over the seven wastes, and ask them to come up with an idea.”

“Yoda says there is no try,” I smiled. “Think about what you just said.”

“I guess I was making continuous improvement a choice,” she smiled back.

“You guess?”

“I was making continuous improvement a choice. Competence is not a choice, it’s a habit,” Naomi’s smile reluctantly faced the truth.

“So, it’s not just making competence necessary for your team. It’s making competence necessary for yourself.”

Building the Habit

“Okay, so we pinned showing up to work, to starting on time to meeting deadlines,” I concluded. “Now what. What is the next habit?”

“I get the practice of meeting deadlines, but I am still stumped on what to work on next,” Naomi looked puzzled.

“You’re stuck because you are trying too hard,” I suggested. “Put the next habit on your team. Have your team decide what the next habit of competence will be.”

“If I am stuck, they are going to be stuck,” she complained.

“You are stuck because you haven’t set up some guardrails to guide their thinking. Let’s take a simple framework like MUDA,” I prompted.

“I know MUDA, that’s the seven wastes,” Naomi sparked.

“And, what are the seven wastes?” I asked.

“Moving stuff around too many times,” she started. “Making too much stuff, overproduction. Making things too complicated, overproduction. Holding too much inventory, raw goods or consumables. Unnecessary movement, work flow and work flow sequence. Waiting for stuff, white space in the workflow, creating unnecessary idle time. Identifying and eliminating defects.”

“Very good,” my turn to smile. “Do you think your team could identify one of the seven wastes and work to improve their competence? Competence is not a choice, it’s a practice, it’s a habit.”

Not a Choice

“How do you make competence necessary?” Naomi asked.

“If you make competence a choice, it is no longer necessary,” I replied. “Competence is a practice. We get better, not because we choose to get better. We get better through practice. It’s the habits we choose, those routine grooved behaviors that determine our competence.”

“I get it,” Naomi nodded. “But I am still stuck.”

“In what ways could your team become more competent? What could they practice? Let’s take something simple. What time does your team get started in the morning?”

Naomi smiled because she already knew where I was headed. “We’re supposed to start at 8 o’clock, but you know, anytime between 8 o’clock and 8:15, and that usually involves coffee and a little joking around.”

“Joking around is good. If we’re not having a bit of fun, what’s the point? As a manager, do you want your team to become more competent at showing up to work?”

“Yes, but that seems a little silly, becoming more competent at showing up to work,” Naomi was still smiling.

“I agree, so let’s shift our focus, from showing up to starting on time. As a manager, do you want your team to become more competent at starting on time?”

“That sounds like a higher goal than just showing up,” Naomi agreed.

“Now, let’s pin starting on time to finishing on time,” I pressed.

“You mean, like meeting deadlines,” she connected. “Yes, as a manager, I want my team to become more competent at meeting deadlines.”

“So, what is the practice, what are the habits required for meeting deadlines?”

“You meet deadlines by starting on time,” Naomi settled.

Simply Necessary

“It sounds like you understand, or have an accurate sense of your own competence, but your team, faced with a challenge, avoids, denies, or tries to negotiate back to the old way?” I asked.

“Yes, it’s almost like a way of thinking,” Naomi replied. “There are things I know I am not good at, but those things do not scare me. Some on my team seem genuinely afraid of trying something new.”

“But, if you have made it necessary, how do you proceed without a brawl or deliberate retreat?” I smiled.

“I think it is a matter of attitude. A mental state. The circumstances of reality do not change, they are what they are. It’s a matter of how a person sees the challenge of something new. If my team enters with a framework of failure, that it is going to be hard, it is going to suck and they will get yelled at for the failure, then it’s going to be a long day. Somehow, I need to change the framework.”

“But, the difficulty in the process will still be the same?”

“Yes, but it’s quite another thing if the team can see this is new, this is difficult, they will struggle, they will make mistakes, but they will continue. Things will get better and they will have small breakthroughs. Then, there will be a setback. They will have to re-focus. But, they will not get yelled at, they will be encouraged to try again. How long does it take to teach a child to walk? It is simply necessary.”


“Given your intuitive sense of competence, an understanding of your current limits of success, and what it might take to overcome those limits in the future, how does that translate to your team?” I asked.

“To run a marathon, I need to train,” Naomi replied, “I get that. But, my team appears to see things differently. If you gave me a challenge to run a marathon, and I agreed this was something I wanted to do, then I would engage in the necessary training at that distance. When I give my team a challenge, beyond their current ability to perform, they seem to shy away, avoid, make excuses, find something else to busy themselves with.”

“So, first they would have to agree that it was something they wanted to do?” I confirmed.

“In many cases, they don’t have a choice,” Naomi smiled. “If we are changing a process that requires additional technical skills, we are going to change the process, no choice. It’s similar to the question, how long do you give a child to learn to walk? There is no choice.”

“So, as a leader, you make it necessary?” I nodded.

“People will just muddle through, if you let them. If we install a new process, there is no muddle. I have to make it necessary.”