Marvin was not in his office when I arrived. It didn’t take long to find him among a group of people desperately trying to solve a problem with a machine on the floor.
“It’s always something,” Marvin said. “Just when we get one problem solved, it seems like something else goes out of whack. We are trying to figure out why this thing won’t maintain the pressures we need.”
“When did all this start?”
“Weird, it started just a couple of months ago. We have been making these units this way for ten years. We have tweaked almost every parameter and this guitar is so out of tune, it sounds sick.”
“So, what are the factory defaults on the unit? What are the baselines?” I asked. Marvin just stood there. You could see the blood draining from his face.
“Well?” I said.
Marvin shook his head. “You are suggesting we clear the decks and go back to square one?”
Twenty minutes later, after restoring the defaults and making three adjustments, the machine was holding tolerance. For the first time in two months.
Often, we try to solve the wrong problem.