What Changed?

“But, this has worked, over and over for the past ten years. I am not sure why this project failed,” Jordan explained.

“First of all, the idea that originated ten years ago is not the same idea that has worked all along,” I replied. “You have modified and tweaked that idea each time there was a subtle shift in its application.”

Jordan was complaining. In this case, at this time, he would rather complain than consider a new idea he didn’t like.

“Each time you tweaked the idea,” I continued, “the shift was so subtle that you hardly noticed. And, your idea worked until it didn’t. Something has changed. Something has changed internally, externally or both. What was it?”

2 thoughts on “What Changed?

  1. Bruce Peters

    Our mutual friend, colleague, Lee Thayer used to call this “applying yesterday’s solution to today’s problem”.
    Is there a version of this at every level of work and/role?

  2. Tom

    Hi, Bruce,
    Yes, this is an all purpose principle so eloquently stated, every role, every level of work, every company, every healthcare organization, every community, every state, every nation.


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