“But I was here until 10:00 last night. I am working myself to the bone and my company seems to want more. I can’t work any harder.” Victoria was tired. I could see it in her eyes, the hint of a glaze.
“What is it that your company wants more of?” I asked.
“I just don’t know. I have all the stuff I was doing before I was promoted and now I have new stuff.”
“Why are you still doing the old stuff?”
“Well, who is going to do it?” she snapped.
I paused, “As you left your old position, weren’t you supposed to train someone to take over those tasks?”
“Well, yes, I was supposed to, but there was just never any time to do that,” she said, calming down a bit.
“So, now you are in double trouble. You didn’t take the time to train someone else to do the work, so now you have even more work and less time.”
Victoria silently nodded.
“You have proved me wrong,” I said. “I always tell managers that they can never be promoted until they train someone else to take over their old job. But here, you have managed to do exactly what I said could not be done.”
Victoria started laughing. “No, I did not prove you wrong. You are still right. I have not managed this very well at all.”
“So, when should you have started to train someone to take over?” I inquired.
“The very first day on the job, of my old job. In fact, I should already be looking at my new tasks to figure out who I should be training right now.”