“Those problems come to me because I am the manager,” Meredith protested. “Being a manager is a big job and I take it seriously. That’s why I am so busy.”
“That is why you are so busy, or that is why you are so distracted?” I wanted to know.
“These are not distractions, these are important details,” she continued to push back.
“Don’t you have people on your team to handle these details?” I asked.
“Yes, but I am accountable. Sometimes, these details demand my attention.”
“How can you tell the difference, between the details that other people should handle and the details that demand your attention?”
Meredith sighed. “I don’t know. I guess that’s why I stay buried. I am trying to handle all the details.”
“Meredith, when you were a supervisor, you WERE handling all the details, but you are a manager now. We expect you to take a step back and look at the patterns in your team, the patterns in your work flow. Yes, there are some details that demand your attention. The way you lay out your system should surface those details that demand your attention. But, your system should also allow for most detail to be handled and tracked by your team. There is appropriate decision making at every level of work. Let your team be busy, so you can look at the pattern of work.”