Cross Functional Relationships – Coordinative

Often, we have project teams working side by side, on different segments of the same project or different projects using the same resources. Coordinating their efforts may be important to deliver a synchronized outcome or to increase efficiency in the resource pool.

“Carmen, I have called you in today to meet Frank. Both of you are Project Leaders on the Baltimore Project. Frank is in charge of Operations on the project, and Carmen, you are in charge of Marketing. Both of you were chosen because of your experience in difficult projects, and a lot is at stake. Timing is everything. There are some statutory guidelines we have to follow which prevents us from normal marketing activities until the merger has been approved, yet, Frank, you have to get operations up and running in the background, so when the approval happens, we can move everything with 72 hours.

“This will require high levels of cooperation from each of your teams, and each of you will be using a pool of shared resources. I will be the last word, but I need the two of you to be in constant contact, meeting and coordinating this project without me. This is one of four projects on my plate right now. Both of you are pros, you have done this before. I am scheduled to be in this office every Tuesday, so if you need me face-to-face, that’s it.

“You will NOT be giving each other things to do, you have your own tasks to complete, but one of you may need to delay the other for some reason. Either of you can call a coordinating meeting with the other, in the conference room, on the phone, it’s up to you. If one of you calls a meeting, I expect the other to be responsive, no excuses. You will share each other’s progress and agree on the best way to meet your teams’ project goals. Where you have a decision that cannot be resolved, pull me in and I will make the decision. I am accountable to the client and I need each of your to do your best.”
Our next online program – Hiring Talent is scheduled to kick off August 1, 2011. If you would like to find out more about the program or pre-register, follow this link.

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