In 2001, I stumbled over some startling research. For two years, I privately shared this research with two of my executive peer groups, who encouraged me to take it on the road. In 2003, I presented the first public workshop called Management Myths and Time Span to a group in Plymouth MN. Ten years and 350 presentations later, this workshop makes it to my own hometown.
Here is the press going out.
Every CEO, executive and manager struggles with this hidden key to performance, find out why! Do any of these apply to you?
[ ] A Project Manager Blows the Deadline? Again?
And you have to call the customer to explain that the project will be late. There is no reason for the delay, just an excuse.
[ ] Your Top Performer Got Promoted to Manager. Now Failing.
She has been with the company for 12 years, promoted to a game-breaker role. What happened? She is loyal. Everyone likes her. She is floundering.
[ ] You Sent Him to Manager Training. The Same Person Came Back.
Your high hopes for this young manager are dashed. He showed such promise. Or did he?
[ ] A manager got promoted to his level of incompetence, WHY?
Unlock and understand the Secret behind the Peter Principle.
November 20, 2013
Everglades University
Boca Raton, FL
Management Myths and Time Span
Reserve Now
On Wednesday, November 20, Tom Foster will present the 50 years of scientific findings of Elliott Jaques. According to Foster, “This is the missing link to human capability. This missing link is based on a simple principle and touches every element of a manager’s work.”
Date – Wednesday, November 20, 2013
8:00 – Coffee
8:30 – Program begins
Noon – Adjourn
Reserve today $200 Only $99*
Seating is limited to 60 participants.
* Vistage/TEC Member guest discount
We select our top performer and promote them to the next level, introduce them to the team as their new leader, only to find them floundering and earning no respect.
In the hopes of filling a position in the corporate org chart, we diligently interview, do personality testing and check references. We hire the person with the best of intentions only to find them failing after a few short weeks.
You just promoted Sally — she is now in your office complaining that her new boss has his head in the clouds and is completely out of touch with the real problems facing the department. Ten minutes later, Sally’s boss, Joe, is in your office complaining about Sally, his new direct report, saying that she is totally incompetent and cannot see the big picture. What did we miss?
Tom Foster will present the research and statistically significant scientific findings of the late Elliott Jaques, the psychologist who discovered a correlation between workers across industries and their internal capability to handle different levels of work.
Particular areas that will be addressed are:
- Most hiring managers underestimate the level of capability required for success in the role.
- Personality conflicts in an organization are often smokescreens for a misalignment in structure.
- Most CEOs mis-understand the true nature of executive work and often, are drawn into activity that pulls them away from higher-levels of work.
- The flat organization is a misguided management fad — organizational hierarchy is essential and exists for very specific reasons.
Note: Participants may find it helpful to bring a current organization chart, starting with the CEO and driving down three levels. And if they exist, a short paragraph description for the CEO role and each senior management position.
Biography: Tom Foster works mostly with CEOs in executive peer groups. He conducts classroom training for managers and supervisors in the areas of delegation, planning and communication skills. He spent 14 years in the television production industry and another 10 years with a large CPA firm. A Vistage Chair since 1995 and former trainer with Dale Carnegie Training, Tom holds a B.S. in radio-television-film and a master’s degree in communication, both from the University of Texas at Austin.