The Rhumb Line

In sailing, the rhumb line refers to the navigation direction, the line between two points, getting from here to there. Before we can get there, we have to figure out where there is, or what there is, or who there is. Without the destination, we have no rhumb line to guide us.

We spend a lot of time figuring out how we are going to get there, without thinking about where it is we want to go.  And, taking a team along with us.  Will it be fruitful to travel there? What lies at the destination? Will arriving be worth the trouble along the way? And, there is always trouble along the way. So, when you pick your destination, aim high.

One thought on “The Rhumb Line

  1. Brian Gardiner

    Hi Tom,
    I’ve followed your Management Blog for years, always a worth a read.

    We could add the dimension of time to this description of destination which sets the context for accountability in execution.
    Thinking about the destination is the starting point. Transposing these thoughts from our brain to a written document is the “magic sauce” of planning and it’s not as easy at it seems. It also helps to know and document “where we are now”, before we launch into the “how” we intend to get there.

    More information and insights on how to structure a complete narrative plan for any business is available at


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