Why People Don’t Listen

“They just don’t listen,” Roy complained. “You would think they would have some respect. After all, I have been doing this job for more that 15 years.”

“It’s because they have a dot,” I replied.

“What do you mean they have a dot?”

“A dot. Everybody has a dot. Your team members, each, have a dot. You have a dot. Only your dot doesn’t match their dot.”

Roy was quick. “Okay, but if their dot is wrong, why don’t they listen to me?”

“I don’t know, why do you think?”

Roy was ready for bear. That’s a Texas expression that means Roy wanted to argue. And he was perfectly willing to go first. “Sometimes, I think they are just pig-headed, stubborn. My logic is easy to see, but if I point out they are wrong, it seems they cling to their ideas even harder.”

“Imagine that,” I pondered out loud.

One thought on “Why People Don’t Listen

  1. Terry Reid-Paul

    Interesting perspective! Maybe if Roy didn’t come from the stand point of wanting to argue his ideas would have been heard. Logic and rationale tends to win over those that are more resistant to adapting to some one else who has a better idea…but most folks want to feel they were part of the decision making, not that the idea was pushed on them. Just a thought….


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