
“What are you thankful for?” I asked.

The eyes from the other side of the table turned kind.

“I am thankful for this time of year, where things slow down. I stop. I stop being busy and become aware. If we don’t stop, we just keep going. Gratitude is about awareness. When I stop, my heart rate goes down. I am calm. In the quiet, I can take it in. I can watch and see things more clearly for what they are.”

“And, what do you see?” I prompted.

“I see connections, the relationships I have with other people. I play a role in other people’s lives and other people bring value to mine. It’s all about connections.”

“And, what are you thankful for?” I asked again.

“I am thankful that I am not wandering alone. I am thankful for those around me, that are connected to me. It sounds too obvious. That’s why it is so important to slow down and become aware. If we don’t stop, we just keep going.”
During this time of Thanksgiving, I am going to stop. To become aware. See you next week, with my gratitude. -Tom Foster

2 thoughts on “Gratitude

  1. Tom Welsh


    Your message of gratitude was very timely. I realized how much I have to be great full for even though I am struggling with my next choice of how to best use my skills in the construction field in the waterproofing business. I have time to think about It and your message today was meaningful and made me realize that all my contacts and friends are something to be great full for and your words of wisdom that I look forward to, thank you Tom.

  2. Carmina Mendez

    Tom, my sincere thanks for the daily nuggets you send that are becoming a treasure.
    I really enjoy them but, most of all, I try to take advantage of them and put them into practice.
    I hope I can thank you personally one of these days.

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving with your family!


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