From the Ask Tom mailbag –
I finished your Time Span 101 program and now I understand levels of work. But, I hesitate to talk to my team about it. How do you explain Time Span to a team whose roles are at S-I level of work. I am afraid they won’t understand or will react negatively to their role at S-I.
You don’t have to introduce the concept of level of work to your S-I team. They already know it. Ask yourself a couple of questions.
- Do your team members in roles at S-I understand they have a supervisor that gives them task assignments?
- Do your team members in roles at S-I understand that their supervisor likely receives more in compensation?
- Do your team members in roles at S-I believe the work they do is different from the work their supervisor does?
- Do your team members in roles at S-I understand they have some decisions they can make and that their supervisor has the authority to make other decisions?
Your team members intuitively already understand levels of work. When I talk to teams in roles at S-I or S-II, we talk about goals and objectives, decisions to make and problems to solve. We talk about accountability. We talk about who makes the decision at what level of work. We talk about who solves the problem at what level of work. We talk about contribution and how roles fit together.
Your teams already understand levels of work. These are normal managerial conversations to have with your team. These are required conversations.