Creating Goal Visibility

“Goals. Who needs ‘em?” asked Yolanda. “Every year, I set some goals. It’s kind of like my New Year’s Resolutions. By the end of February, I can’t even remember what they were.”

“Oh? So, tell me about your resolution for this year.” Yolanda looked a bit uncomfortable.

“Well, I haven’t exactly worked it out, yet. Until I am sure, I would rather not go blabbing it around.”

“Have you thought, perhaps, that’s why your New Year’s resolution never works?”

“What do you mean?”

“Yolanda, your New Year’s resolution never works, because you never committed to it. You never clearly defined it. Did you ever write it down?” Yolanda was silent. “Here is the management skill. Goals work just like New Year’s resolutions. If you really want to make a change, write it down. Then say it to yourself out loud. Then say it out loud in front of a group of people. And if you really want to make it stick, give that group permission to hold you accountable for the goal. Take that written goal and post it somewhere public, where you see it every day, where others see it every day. You can start with a 3×5 card taped to your mirror.”

What is your resolution this year? What major thing do you want to achieve? Have you written it down? Have you shared it with your team? I am curious. What do you do to keep your goals visible throughout the year?

2 thoughts on “Creating Goal Visibility

  1. Niel Dawson, Executive Director

    While in concept, a New Year’s resolution is good, I believe resolutions, or goals, should be clearly laid out, written down and re-affirmed much more frequently than once a year. A weekly review of goals and re-adjustment is the best, with a daily review of them to assure your are on track is a great practice to commit to – maybe that should be everyone’s resolution!

  2. Mark Heinrich - Sales Manager

    Brilliant. I have been practicing SMART goals for years, and have introduced quarterly SMART goals to my team last year. It has been a massive success!! I have each consultant set 2 business goals, and 1 personal goal each quarter. Seeing them push to exceed their goals due to the accountability factor is exactly the environment that I want on my team. I couldn’t imagine not setting goals, but more importantly, setting them the right way…


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