Tasks and Sub-tasks, Calibrating Time Span

From the Ask Tom mailbag:

Are there roles with KRAs (Key Result Areas) in multiple strata?

Of course. Every role has Time Span task assignments all over the place. When we define that a role requires a specific Stratum capability, (this is a Stratum III role), we have identified that the longest Time Span task is between 12 and 24 months.

But Stratum III roles will contain Stratum II (3-12 months) and even Stratum I (1 day-3 months) task assignments.

If I am a Manager at a CPA firm, Stratum III capability required, I still have to complete a time sheet each day (Stratum I task). I will do my best to minimize the time required, use available technology, but at the end of the day, it’s my time sheet.

I may also be accountable for scheduling staff on specific projects (Stratum II capability required). For this task, I will do my best to minimize the time required, use available technology AND identify the sub-tasks that can be delegated to team members. Indeed, I may have a supervisor (Stratum II role) that I can delegate the entire task to, yet at the end of the day, I am accountable for scheduling staff.

We calibrate the Stratum capability required in a role by identifying the longest Time Span task assignment.

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