“Why is Vision so important in the planning process?” I asked.
Brent was thinking, but the answer wasn’t coming to him.
“How excited does your team get over the goals you set?” I continued.
“Well, it’s work. How excited can you get about work?” Brent replied.
“Exactly. So, what’s the one thing in your plan that your team can get excited about?”
Brent closed his eyes, then opened, nodding, “The vision.”
“And that’s why the vision is so important. It’s the only part of your plan that creates energy, entices people, engages people. Goals are nice, but that’s not where the electricity is.”
Good point. Goals only really work when you can see what they lead to (vision).
Thanks for your comment.
Good article. And it reinforces what I always highlight to my programme delegates. I always ask the question; “When planning for anything, where’s the best place to start?”
It’s amazing how many people will look at me as if I’m completely dumb and then offer up – “Well at the beginning obviously.”
Once I explain that you need to start at the end and why that is so true and how it conects directly with ‘their vision’, does the penny finally drop!
Great articles, keep ’em coming.