In response to last Friday’s Post – An Important Role for HR
My question is how is HR going to create the goals & time span for all the departments in an organization? Should they do that alone or is it in fact a shared responsibility between HR with the MOR and Hiring Manager?
HR can be the glue that holds this discipline together, but without the active participation of the MOR and Hiring Manager, glue is just a sticky mess. The content, the criteria, the judgment about the open role has to come from the MOR and the Hiring Manager. And it is the Hiring Manager that we will hold accountable for the performance of this open position.
Yet, I find MORs and Hiring Managers are very “busy” with production issues and will, if allowed, short-cut this process. HR can bring that discipline to the process. HR can make the process easier, more visible, consistent and insistent. HR can be the teacher of the process.
But the active participation of the MOR and the Hiring Manager is required. Period.
I would also submit that active support if not participation needs to occur at all levels – from the very top down. That gives HR not only responsibility, but the authority to create, implement and train management on time span and the goal process.
I believe the HR role should not only be given the authority but the MANDATE to create, implement and train managers about Time Span and the Goal process.