Saving Face

“But he has been doing a terrible job, as a Manager,” Cheryl observed.

“So, do you want him out of the company? Should he be gone?” I asked.

Cheryl shook her head. “No, Harold has too much knowledge, he knows everything about everything, he is just in the wrong position for our company. What he is doing now, works against us. But he could be so valuable in a different role.”

“Right now, you have Harold in the role as a Senior Manager, which you say is the wrong place for him. But you don’t want to fire him, just reassign him. How do you think that will work, in Harold’s eyes?”

“He’s not going to like it,” Cheryl replied, still shaking her head. “He might quit and we really do need his technical knowledge. I am afraid he is going to be embarrassed in front of his peers, in front of his direct reports. This move is going to be very touch and go.”

“So, what is the one thing you have to do, to make this move successful?” I pressed.

“Somehow, we have to allow Harold to save face in front of the company. I am just not sure how to do that.”

2 thoughts on “Saving Face

  1. Mukul Gupta

    I have most definetely been in this scenario 🙂

    Harold needs to be convinced that the new role where he is being transferred is so critical to the success of the company the organization has no choice but to put one of its most senior manager in that position because no one else except him can do it. The direct reports and peers should also be communicated the same story line. This ‘call for heroism’ technique has worked for me.

    Ofcourse, his pay etc shouldn’t change and may be a fancy designation needs to be invented to keep him happy.

    The main problem is not getting Harold out, but to decide who will replace him and having a hand over plan, thats where the real work is.


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