Move Over, I’ll Drive

“Move over, let me take the console. Why don’t you just watch me?” This is the ultimate in micro-managing. Charlie, the Manager, observing a mistake, simply took the project back under wing and proceeded to do the work himself.

Of course, for the past twelve minutes, Charlie had berated the Team Member for not being fast enough, taking things out of sequence and ultimately falling back to the old way of doing things.

As a Manager, Charlie had been working with Crystal’s training program. The training was designed to get telephone operators to record data in real time on the computer, rather than using paper in a two-step delayed process. In fact, Charlie got the job as the Manager because he had used this real-time process at another company. He was the best telephone operator on their crew. When he came here he picked out the software, but had been unsuccessful in getting the operators to use it. Eight months later, they were still writing paper tickets and entering the data later. If they remembered.

Charlie’s behavior, as a Manager, demonstrated the subtle difference in dealing with mistakes by a micro-manager and a coach. As a micro-manager, Charlie focused on the task and the method (mistakes). The more he focused on the task and the mistakes, the more he drove the operators back to the paper system they were comfortable with.

I let Charlie be a telephone operator for another eight minutes (he was really very good) before I pulled him aside. Tomorrow, listen in to our conversation. -TF

2 thoughts on “Move Over, I’ll Drive

  1. Trudy Suits

    John Maxwell often talks about “Soaring w/the Eagles” Sure we can always do the job ourself, but that’s not what coaching is all about. Otherwise you are a one man show. Here are some “eagle tibits” perhpas worth sharing “Eagles make things happen” “Eagles influence the opinions and actions of others” “Eagles add value to you” “Eagles equip other eagles to lead” “Eagles possess an uncommonly great attitude” “Eagles draw other winners to them” “Eagles provide ideas that help the organization” I’d rather


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