Micro-Managing, oh boy!

“I wonder what the difference is between coaching and micro-managing. At what point do we provide too much instruction, and hinder the employee’s initiative and autonomy?” responded Brittany.

Coaching and micro-managing focus on two different things. To the casual observer, they may appear similar in manager behavior, but there is a powerful distinction.

Micro-managing is task and method focused. The Manager attempts to get a task completed according to a specific method. The focus is on the task.

Coaching is method and development focused. Task completion is secondary to behavior acquisition and competence in the method. The focus is on the Team Member.

The difference between micro-managing and coaching is purpose and purpose will determine two completely different outcomes. This purpose will drive subtle, yet powerful differences in Manager behavior. This subtle difference will define the poor Manager from the great Manager.

Tomorrow, we will talk about coaching skills through mistakes to see the difference between micro-managing and coaching. -TF

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