In her book, Fierce Conversations, Susan Scott talks about deepening our conversations, taking our conversations closer to reality, having our conversations enrich our relationships. This holiday time is perfect for practicing the skill of the Mineral Rights Conversation.
Mineral Rights is a multi-level conversation which cycles through surface issues, toward deeper insights, understanding and learning. Mineral Rights is the kind of conversation we often avoid, yet long to have. Yes, it deals with issues of the heart, beliefs and values. I am often asked when I teach this skill, “Isn’t that kind of personal?” Well, yes. “Doesn’t it make people uncomfortable to talk about that?” Well, no.
People like to talk about themselves. In fact, most people are actually waiting for someone to come along so they can talk about things close to the heart, what they believe, things important. They have been waiting all their lives for someone like you to listen.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. You will be spending time with family and friends. Take your conversations to a new place. Listen for what is important. You will find your relationships will be enriched by these conversations. In fact, you will find the conversation is the relationship.
Happy Thanksgiving. —TF