As we wait, what are the possibilities? What are the uncertainties? Ambiguities? And what do we bet on?
- We look for things we hope for.
- We look for things that drive our optimism.
- We look for things we like to see.
- We look for data that supports our wishes.
- We look for data that confirms our suspicions.
- We look for data that supports our own bias.
Reality always wins.
Do not be mislead by hope, what we like, our wishes, suspicions and bias. It is too easy to be lead astray. Most managers I work with are optimists. It is a valid way to see the world, AND there are other possibilities.
What is the worst that can possibly happen?
Prepare to accept the worst-case scenario.
Work to improve on the worst outcome which you have mentally agreed to accept.
I suggest these are not mutually exclusive AND we can hold two simultaneous thoughts that appear to contradict. The intersection of worst outcome and the position of optimism may provide the guidance we seek. It will ALWAYS be better than the worst outcome.
Improve on the worst outcome comes from Dale Carnegie, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.