“Why should I get involved?” Roy protested. “My team is full. Derrick is the one who needs to hire someone.”
“Is Derrick on your team?” I asked.
“Yes, but he is the hiring manager, it is his team, his problem.”
“And you are Derrick’s manager?” I pressed.
“Yes, I am Derrick’s manager.”
“And Derrick is underperforming?” I continued.
“Yes, he needs to hire someone, and it’s been three months,” Roy explained.
“So, who do I hold accountable for Derrick’s underperformance?”
Roy thought for a moment, sat up in his chair, “You have to hold Derrick accountable, he is the one who needs to hire someone for his team.”
“What if I told you that I thought Derrick was doing his best and it was his manager I hold accountable?”
“Well, I am his manager, but it’s not my hire. How can you hold me accountable?”
Mark your calendars. Hiring Talent Summer Camp is coming. Orientation starts July 6, pre-registration open now.