Focus on the System

“When you look at this inventory problem, where should you be spending your time?” I asked.

Bruce looked down. “You’re right. I walk around the store barking orders about removing this display or re-working that shelf arrangement. I have team members to do that, and I have supervisors to make sure it happens.”

“What should you focus on?” I repeated.

“I need to focus on the system. I mean, I can still walk around the store. It gives me a better sense of reality, but I need to focus on the system. It’s the system that provides the predictability in our inventory management. Everything else is simply rearranging deck chairs.”

3 thoughts on “Focus on the System

  1. michael cardus

    Tom these last couple posts have really inspired me and led to some great conversations with managers and teams I am working with. Understanding that as managers one cannot control the people, managers can only control the system (or process).
    Focus on the system will allow people to better know what is going on and be able to in as real-time as possible adjust task & decisions to match the system.

    Thank you.

  2. Diane Shepard

    Hi Tom,

    I must admit I really enjoy reading your posts. Applying a story line to explain your point is an excellent way to distribute information in a way that people can easily interpret into a real life situation. Sometimes a short story line gives you the exact same meaning as an essay that’s 1,000 words long. Very effective!


    1. Tom Foster

      Thanks for the kind thoughts. It is easy to talk about a management principle, but “what does it sound like, what are the words?” That’s the focus.


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