“Why are we making these changes?” I asked.
“We need to look at our efficiency. We will be a better company for it,” Henry replied.
“If that is only reason, then we are likely to fail in making these changes. Why are we making these changes?” I repeated.
“Well, when we sat down and looked at the numbers, because we did look at the numbers, our analysis showed that we needed to make some adjustments.”
“Your analysis showed that you needed to make some adjustments? Where does that need come from?” I pushed.
“Well, the need is pretty strong. Things are tight. Our market has changed. I don’t want to be negative, but we need to change to survive.”
“It is that need that will drive your changes. It is not that you want to become a better company, or should become a better company. It is only when you need to become a better company that you will. The question is why is it necessary for us to become a better company? You will become a better company only when it becomes a necessity.”