Second on the list of the top five mistakes managers make in the hiring process:
- Manager misinterprets responses in the interview.
Why does this happen? One simple reason. Managers misinterpret responses because they try to interpret responses. Stop trying and you will improve your batting average.
In our Time Span Workshops, I ask how many have taken a psychology course. Lots of hands get raised. Then I ask who has degrees in psychology, very few hands go up. Advanced degrees? No hands go up.
“So, no one in this room is certified by the state to practice psychotherapy or psychoanalysis?” All eyes avoid the question.
Managers misinterpret responses during the selection interview, because they try to play amateur psychologist. Don’t play amateur psychologist. You will improve your decisions in hiring talent.
This is it what i’ve been looking for. In RSS. Good job! 🙂
Best regards from Poland,