Multi-Source Feedback

Morgan looked relaxed today. He started the conversation, “So, if the feedback in my current performance reviews isn’t meaningful to the team member, what should I change?”

“Morgan, as a manager speaking with a team member, have you ever delivered negative feedback?”

“Sure, except I don’t think anyone ever listens.”

“Exactly! So how do you get meaningful feedback communicated? Morgan, do you have any teenagers living in your house?”

“I know what you are driving at,” he replied. “My fifteen year-old never listens.”

“Oh, your fifteen year-old listens. She just doesn’t listen to you. Who do you think she listens to?”

It didn’t take long for Morgan to figure this one out. “She listens to her friends and one or two of her teachers, but definitely not her parents.”

“So, Morgan, if you could structure a formal feedback system to a person, who might you want to include?”

“Well, the people around the person, but how would you do that?”

“Tell you what, meet me for lunch tomorrow at this restaurant. I have a friend I want you to meet.” -TF

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