They just could not see it. Plain as day to Michelle, the team was having difficulty. She had pointed to the mountain top, but the team was having trouble seeing through the clouds. Hell, they weren’t even looking up. They were looking straight down at the cliff before their feet, straight down into certain failure.
“No, no!!! Look up. Don’t you see it?” cried Michelle.
“No, Michelle, look down. You want us to step off this cliff into the dark abyss. Other Managers have tried this on us before and it always turned out bad. Go ahead, look up at the mountain, but the reality is much worse down here, before we even get to the foothills of that mountain you are looking at.”
Of course, the top of the mountain looks great to the Manager. The Manager can see past all the near term trouble it will take to get there. The Manager can see the long term reward in climbing to the top. The team, however, has a shorter time horizon. They cannot see that far into the future, all they see is that near term trouble. They know they will fail and get blamed for the failure.
That’s why we have to front load rewards on long term projects. Sometimes, those front load incentives seem out of whack with the minimal progress in the first few moments, but it may take that, to gain compliance from the team. They have to suffer through operational changes, learning new skills, short term failure. It stinks. So, front load the incentives to get through it. They will eventually get to the top and understand the longer term reward.
Then, you can point to the next mountain. -TF